Student Council

The student council of ODCS basically is the “man behind the curtain” when it comes to certain events. They plan Homecoming, Spirit Week, and also other small things like the singing-grams for Valentine’s Day.
The student council typically consists of 4 members that are elected by the High School student body. In previous years, each grade has voted for representatives for their own grade. Occasionally there are times where the grade does not vote for anyone and people are set as members by default. This occurs when 4 or less people run for the different positions. An example of this tragedy is the current Sophomore class. As freshman they had only 3 officers, and as Sophomores they have 4 members but only because 2 of them were asked specifically if they could do it.
This year the spirit week days are as follows:
28 Monday, September: Twin Day
29 Tuesday, September: Dress Like An Animal Day
30 Wednesday, September: Black and White Day
1 Thursday, October: Dress Like A Disney Character Day
2 Friday, October: Patriot Day
This homecoming should be very fun and it should be a “Journey Of A Lifetime”. It is October 3rd from 7-10pm. The address is 3442 Stoney Ridge Rd. Avon, Ohio 44011
Also Congrats to all of those that are on Homecoming Court! Good Job!