High Schoolers Lead K-2 Grade Chapel!

By Carissa Donnelly
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to lead chapel? Lauryn Brown, Madi Holan, Max Torres, Hannah Kardar, Jing Lin, Breeana Tucker, and I had the opportunity to do just that for the Kindergarten-2nd graders. Their theme recently has been “I Am:”, discussing some of the best qualities of a Christian. We taught the kids all about how we are loved! They learned about what love is, how to show love, and who loves them. We left them with the knowledge that God loves them no matter what, and He showed that by dying on the cross to save you from your sins. We challenged the children to show love to their classmates, parents, and friends by helping them out with a chore, being kind, or giving a hug. Are you feeling led to lead a chapel? Talk to Mr. Dunckel or Mrs. McCourry today! You just may change someone’s life.