Ebooks vs. Regular Books

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EBooks vs. Regular Books
By Zach Strouse
In the past few years the ebook, has taken off. The definition of an ebook, is an electronic version of a printed book that can be read on computer or handheld device. EBooks have become so popular you can actually just read a book from your phone. But there is the ongoing debate of would you rather read from an ebook (electronic device) or a regular book. What are the advantages of both you ask? Well here is the answer. The advantages of the ebook is that you have your own personal library wherever you go. It does not matter if that library is on your phone, computer, or actual ebook, you can take that library wherever. Most young readers also prefer ebooks, with all of the technology out these days most your readers want to read from a screen. The most popular way to read from a screen is to read from your phone. The most popular app to get is the amazon kindle app where you can access any book at any time. Let’s get to Regular Books now, a regular book is paperback, or paper. A regular book is not reading from a screen, it is actually reading from a real book. For a regular books, you retain more information. When you read a regular book you feel the pages and you fell the book, this helps you remember more of what you are reading. Reading a regular book also helps your fatigue levels and eyes. When you look at a Ebook, the screen luminance can make you tired and damage your eyes. So we have all read a book before either ebook or regular book. Which one do you like better. Personally I don’t really care as long as the book I am reading is a good one.