Student Spotlight: Kevan Ford

Modern Media sat down with Kevan Ford, a freshman at Open Door. He has been at Open Door since he was in pre-school. Kevin is a multi-sport athlete who plays soccer and basketball.
Story by:
Daniel DeFranco, Danny Sandoval
- What is your favorite memory at Open Door?
My favorite memory at Open Door is when Drew (Johnson) put glue up my nose so I threw a building block at him.
- Have you ever thought about going to a different school?
Yes, I wanted to move schools but I stayed at Open Door because I liked a girl.
- Who is your favorite teacher of all time?
My favorite teacher was Mrs. Hardesty because she welcomed me when I was not feeling welcomed in first grade.
- What is your favorite sport?
My favorite sport is basketball because I share memories and have made relationships threw basketball.
- What do you enjoy most at Open Door?
I enjoy having the small classes and being able to ask questions so I can fully understand the topic.
- Who is your favorite senior?
I can not give an answer to my favorite senior because they all welcomed me into high school.
- What is your favorite subject?
My favorite subject is Math because I enjoy watching formulas work themselves out.