5 Things I Miss and 5 Things I Like Better

Josiah Munger
What I Miss Most
- I miss going to church every Sunday and Wednesday and seeing my youth group. Going to church was great because I also played bass for the youth group and the praise and worship team.
- I miss seeing other people and talking face to face. Being able to zoom is nice but not being around others makes me feel isolated.
- I miss playing sports with an awesome group of guys that make everything fun. Not being in the game with my friends really makes me miss it even more.
- Being able to play pranks on others is something I miss, being pranked and pranking others is something I look forward to doing again.
- Going to restaurants and movies is something I look forward to doing after quarantine. The best memories I have of after going to church is going to restaurants with family and friends and enjoying a meal together.
What I Like Better
- I like being able to find new ways to stay connected with friends, whether it be through video games or social media. I am finding those who are truly my friends have my social media accounts and stay in touch.
- One thing I could live without forever is my alarm clock. I like sleeping in later and enjoy staying up late reading.
- I like being able to do the things that I normally don’t have time for. I have helped my Dad around my house on things we haven’t been able to do because of busy schedules.
- I was able to help cut down a tree that fell in my yard after a big thunderstorm. The tree fell perfectly in the yard to not hurt anything, and it supplied me and my family with plenty of firewood.
- I have been able to enjoy building puzzles with my family and playing games most nights. My family was always busy but now we have plenty of time to enjoy each other’s company.