Into The Void

Into The Void
by Judson Krauss
Scene one:
A young adult around 18 years in age is seen waking up after a good night’s rest. He enjoys the wonderful time being able to sleep in comparison to waking up earlier. The man moves the sheets and proceeds to move out of bed and he goes through his daily morning routine of brushing his teeth, shaving, and making his breakfast before going logging onto his online class. The look on the man’s face as he watches his friends on the monitor shows his inner feeling that it’s not the same as seeing them for real.
Scene two:
Our main character begins to walk around his house finding messes everywhere left from his siblings. He begins to be enraged and becomes angry at his brothers. But does his best to calm down and return to the office to work on school. As he enters the office he gazes out the window, looking into the cold grey sky. He then pulls out his phone going through his photos of him and his friends from what seems like an eternity ago and a big smile appears on his face. He puts the phone back into his pocket and as he looks toward the dim sky, his smile fades away into depression from not seeing his friends.
Scene three:
As the afternoon sets in with the dim light flooding his living room, our main character turns on his television and watches what his state governor has to say about their situation. As he watches the news becomes grimmer his hand begins to slowly form a fist. He looks down at his balled fist and quickly releases the tension he is forming. His face shows thoughts of worry began forming in his head that the only way to see his friends again is to constantly stay away from this horrible disease. He dashes to the kitchen sink rushing to turn the hot water on, them pumping out soap, and furiously washing his hands.
Scene four:
The man is shown to be more frantic than before, as he goes around his house wiping down everything that is dirty, and everything that he sets his eyes upon. The shot then cuts to our main character alone in his bedroom surrounded by cleaning products and a youtube video about how to stay sane during the quarantine. He seems to be working on something and a stressed look appeared on his face. We then see that in his lap are numbers of potatoes with twigs for limbs, and drawn on faces. Each potato is given the name of one of his friends, he proceeds to play with the potatoes making them interact with one another, just as a young girl plays with her dolls. A wicked smile begins to form on his face as he freezes and falls onto his side. The camera moves closer on his wicked smile as he utters one word; “Rosebud”.