Modern Media took the time to sit down with Open Door Christian Schools student-athlete Drew Johnson and ask him a few questions about his sport.


“When did you start bowling”

“I started bowling in fifth grade and immediately fell in love with it. It all just came naturally to me”


“Do you plan on bowling in college?”

“I definitely plan on bowling in college, I’ve already had a few schools reach out to me. It doesn’t seem like a big and popular sport to a lot of people but there are still plenty of college opportunities involved in it.”


“What’s your goal in the upcoming bowling season”

“My goal for this upcoming season is to definitely to lead our young team to some wins this year, and to ultimately go to states.”


“Does anyone in your family bowl?”

“Yeah a lot of people in my family bowl, my grandpa bowled for his whole life and my dad also bowls, and some other people on my dad’s side bowl as well.”


“How many times a week do you bowl?”

“On a usual week I bowl about 6 times a week, I usually go up to Rebman’s to practice every night. Doing that just keeps my game at the level that I want it to be.”


“How did you get into bowling?”

“I got into bowling because on my tenth birthday my dad got me my first ball and then I really started to like it from there and I started to take off into the bowler that I am today.”


“Have you ever gotten injured from bowling?”

“I’ve actually had multiple injuries from bowling, most people don’t see it as a super physical sport but it really is because your body has to be in the perfect spot every shot to execute everything as best as you can. But there have been many finger injuries because of the intense stress on them every shot. Thos include countless blisters and sprains.”


“What’s your favorite moment in your bowling career?”

“My favorite moment so far is definitely bowling my first 300 of my career. It is still such a good feeling to say that ive done it because to bowl a perfect game is like pitching a no hitter in baseball. There are so many things that can go wrong in every shot that you have to be on your best game and execute perfectly on every shot.”


“Who’s your favorite bowler?”

“My favorite bowler is definitely Bill O’Neill, He has definitely been my biggest inspiration and I want to be able to play at the level he does.”


“Have you ever made money from bowling?”

“Yeah, I actually have. With all the tournaments i’ve competed in i’ve taken home a decent amount of money over the past couple of years. My mom won’t let me spend it until college though which kind of sucks.”


“What’s the difference between different types of bowling balls?” 

“There are many types of bowling balls you can get and they all do different things on the lane. I typically carry 8 balls wherever I go. My 8 ball arsenal contains balls all the way from the strongest on the market to the weakest for spares. They all hook in different ways on different lanes so you definitely have to know you equipment very well to do well.”


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