Mitchell, Drew J, and Tristan sat down with new freshman Will Day to talk about his basketball career and Open Door experience so far.


When did you start playing basketball?

“I started playing basketball around seventh grade, I’ve loved it ever since.”


What do you enjoy the most about basketball?

“Everything from playing pickup games with friends to playing on the big stage of jv basketball. I love the competitive nature this year and my mentors here that strive to make me a better player.”


What were your first impressions coming into Open Door?

“Everyone here is a lot more proper and respectful compared to my old school, I’ve had a lot of fun here with the boys.”


Who is your favorite NBA player and team?

“My favorite player is Kevin Durant, The way he can score amazes me every time. My favorite team is the Cavs, i’ve been a fan since as long as I can remember.”


Do you play AAU? (Amateur Athletic Union)

“Yes, I play for the Westside Storm under the legendary Coach Ford.”


Which do you enjoy more, High school or AAU?

“I like High School more, we have a lot more practices because of covid and the games are a lot more competitive.”


What position do you play?

“I’m mainly a point guard but I also play shooting guard when there is another guard.”


Do you play any other sports?

“No, basketball has been my main focus since I started playing.”


Who would win in a one on one game, you or freshman phenom Tyler Reaser?

“I don’t know, Tyler is just such a monster with the basketball in his hands, he is a scary sight on the court. I could take him though since he can’t make a layup.”


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