Kyle Cornet zoomed with Michael Couture to talk about his cross country career and his future running career at open door.


“What is your grade level?”


“I’m in tenth grade.”


“How long have you been running cross country?”


“Since sixth grade, my mom and dad forced me into it, and I just stuck with it.”


“What was it like, making it to states and regionals?  And what kind of work led up to this?”


“It was great. It took a lot of off-season training and making sure that I stayed strong through this summer and really put in the work there.  If you put in the work during the summer you’re going to see a lot of good stuff come this season, and it took a lot but it was well worth it.”


“What were your times to make into both states and regionals?”


“So, to make it into regionals, I think it was a 17:40 something, and that put me fourth in districts to get me into regionals, and then regionals it was 17:52 to get me into states, and then states I ran a 17:00 something.”


“Where were states and regionals?”


“Regionals were somewhere in Youngstown and then states were in columbus.”


“How were the courses?”


“Youngstown was a pretty fast course, but the beginning of the course was a gradual uphill, that was something I have never done and had to adjust to. States was my favorite course of the year, super fast, it didn’t even feel like 3 miles.”


“What were your PRs for the year?”


“My PR was 16:46 i think.”


“What is your goal time for next year?”


“I haven’t put much thought into it, but I would probably say, the school record is 16:13, so I want to try and beat that.”


“Where do you see yourself next year?”


“I would definitely want to do better in the states, I want to be top 20 and be all ohio, you get this cool paper thing and I want to get that.”



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