By Celeste Strinka

Taking a Break is one of the most important steps when achieving goals. Everyone has to take a break now and then, but many people do not take advantage of their free time. It’s important to get away from work, routine, and life’s demands to keep stress levels in check.

There are many ways your body may be telling you to take a break. You may feel achy, your shoulders, arms, hands, legs. Your neck, shoulders and jaw may be tight or locked. You may find yourself unable to focus or concentrate on any task at hand. Your eyelids will feel heavy and your eyes may get puffy. Your thinking may not make sense and you will least likely retain anything you are being taught or doing.

There’s several ways to rest your mind, or take a break. Most people resort to taking a nap; this can be very effective and you will feel well rested and calm when waking up to continue your day. You could also take a couple minutes to get up and get away from what you’re working on. You could relax and recenter yourself by doing some meditation or prayer. You could get away and maybe do some extracurriculars like playing sports or going out with friends and having fun.

How beneficial are breaks?  By giving your mind and body the rest and nourishing it needs after putting it through laborious or tedious tasks, you are setting yourself up to accomplish and do more when it comes time to get back to work. Studies show that taking study breaks will help you retain information. It also allows working people time to recover and regain energy. Being sustained in a sitting position or moving and running around nonstop all day can lead to unhealthy problems, taking breaks allows for relief and preparedness.

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