Talkin’ Band with the Bois

Ben and Noah sat down (Parker stood) to chat with 3 band guys about their season. They discussed goats, ghosts, and other exciting topics. Watch it now!
Ben and Noah sat down (Parker stood) to chat with 3 band guys about their season. They discussed goats, ghosts, and other exciting topics. Watch it now!
OK this is amazing. One complaint tho:
special equipment
We have Practices A LOT
We are on a field (duh)
You burn calories
(Guess who i am, hint: the only bells player)
you’re wrong band is a sport
You are all wrong, band isn’t a sport. I refuse elaborate.
YES IT IS. ur all wrong band is most definitely a sport
band is better than a sport
Personally I believe marching band isn’t a sport. While it involves immense amounts of skill, practice, and conditioning, most levels of marching band do not involve competition, which is what makes a sport a sport. However, I believe competitive marching band is a sport. As a drum major myself, I’m just calling it as I see it. I’m not trying to be rude or unfair, this is just how I see it. Don’t be biased just because you are in marching band, you have to consider the literal definition of what a sport is.
Marching band is a performing art, not a sport.
Band is not a sport and it never will be.
Your all wrong band is a sport
dont argue with me or ill defenestrate you….bet you looked that up though