The Plant Sale was the biggest event at Open Door in 2023-24. Yes, there was the homecoming game or silent night, but the Plant Sale was the #1 event everyone was looking forward to all year long. Since September, the Plant Sale has been mentioned here and there; sometimes during chapel or just as a joke on the announcements. As soon as May came around, the jokes were not jokes anymore, the Plant Sale was promoted everywhere, during school and on the internet. Once the Plant Sale was happening, it was obvious that the school should hit their money goal. As a goal of  $92,000, by the end of the plant sale they had $85,000.  However, with some more promoting and a few final sales, Open Door managed to hit their goal of $92,000 which was then matched by our gracious donors. This money will help all students and staff. A huge thanks to all the students, staff, and parents who volunteered to make the sale a huge success.  Be sure to make it to the next plant sale in 2025 on the Saturday before Mother’s Day.

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