Top 5 Best Moments of 2024’s Open Door Softball


The softball season has come to an end, here is a look back at the 5  best moments of the 2024 softball season: 

  1. The service project was the top moment from the season. We got to serve with Good Knights and were able to help make beds for kids who do not have them. Not only did we help serve, but we also grew closer while doing the service project. And were able to show God’s love to others. 
  2. During softball practices we worked on everything we would need to know to play softball, and one of the best practices was when our coaches held a “sliding school”. They taught the girls who didn’t know how to slide into a base how to, and they worked with the girls who already knew how to. You had to graduate from this “school” to not have to practice sliding with our coaches for most of practice!
  3. During the game against Trinity, the girls had lots and lots of fun, but sometimes the fun led to some dumb, yet funny decisions. Julia Reaser was on second base, and Lily Perris was on third. Julia Reaser decided to steal third base while Lily was still occupying third. Two people are not allowed to occupy the same base. Julia Reaser ran back, and they threw the ball to second, so Perris stole home. This mishap was funny (not very funny while it happened, mostly funny after it happened), but resulted in a run being brought in!
  4. Lily Perris enjoyed bat flipping to whoever was after her, but one time she bat flipped a little too much and almost took someone’s head off with the bat. 
  5. Lyannette was such a great addition to the team! She helped to make the team offensively, and defensively better, but most importantly she made the games fun and enjoyable. She enjoyed talking to refs and making friends with the other teams! She is the funniest person ever and made some very funny jokes while playing softball. 

These are the top 5 moments from the 2024 season!

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